Learning, Practicing and Teaching
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bad_bb5cf-136ÇWith the expansion of the work of the Church of God in the Amazon region, the need to train new Leaders who could take on the various work fronts became increasingly urgent.
Durante a viagem para o meeting of pastors, in April 2000, the couple of pastors Oreste and Marlene Greiner were chosen and right there, inside the bus, they were dedicated to the new ministry, Instituto Teológico Boa Terra Norte, with the objective of initiating activities in August of the same year with the Maloquinha farm as its official headquarters.
The Greiners' initial mission during the first six months was to prepare the place for the start of activities. However, in the same period, in the month of June, due to the absence of a pastor to assume the work in the Central Church, the body of pastors decided that the Greiner couple would simultaneously assume the work of Direction of the Seminary and of the Central Church which would also serve as activity lab with students. For this reason, the Seminary Headquarters, which should have been on the farm, was transferred to the city, starting to function in two old “Casas Lares” where in one worked the classrooms and library and in the other the students' quarters.
In August 2000, the event that would mark the history of the realization of a dream born in the heart of God, took place at Fazenda Maloquinha. The inaugural class of the Instituto Teológico Boa Terra-Amazônia was attended by the participation of students from ITBT-Sul, from the Missionary of the Wicliffe Bible Translator Institute, Donna K. Shewmaker, who brought the theme MISSIONS in her Main Lecture.
O ITBT- Amazônia, passou to be officially an extension of the Instituto Teológico Boa Terra, Seminary of the Church of God, based in the city of Curitiba, Paraná, the ITBT-Sul.
As primeiras atividades realizadas contaram com the participation of students from the South who were introduced together with the students of the ITBT-Amazônia to develop the first field activities. A group of students was sent to the church in Aveiro, another group to the Churches on the Transamazônica, in addition to carrying out Evangelistic Services in the Central and Jardim Aeroporto Churches.
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bad_bb5cf-136 We had several people who came to help at the Seminar with us Solange Laurindo who, in addition to teaching classes, was also closer to the students to help with their needs. Edilamar Melo (Dila) also worked, playing the role of “mother” of the students, responsible for food in the accommodation and checking the organization of the entire space.
No início das atividades haviam poucos professores por esse motivo, além da irmã Solange Laurindo, the Greiners took over most of the subjects; and also Pr. Edgar Henke acted as a teacher.
Em 2009, em razão de algumas dificuldades administrativas, o casal Greiner assumi também the direction of the Fazenda. Due to mobility difficulties, it was decided, for the year 2010, to transfer the activities of ITBT-Amazônia to Fazenda Maloquinha, which operated in this location until 2013 During this period, the ITBT-Amazônia had the collaboration of the missionary couple Dale and Connie Fillmore acting as academic directors.
In 2013, we began to study the possibility of offering new teaching modalities, such as a Semi-Present Seminar or an Extension Seminar the objective of serving more brothers from churches who were interested in joining the Seminary and could not stay as boarding students.
In 2014, ASSIDUA – Association of Churches of God in the Amazon invited the couple of pastors Daniel and Lilian Purity who started to work with the seminar in the semi-presential modality based in one of the houses of Obra Social on Av. Lauro Sodré. Students attended face-to-face classes once or twice a week at the seminary headquarters and completed mandatory readings and assignments at home on other days of the week. Pastors Daniel and Lilian remained at the direction of ITBT-Amazônia until 2016, when they accepted the invitation to take on a new job in the State of Tocantins.
In 2017, the couple of pastors David, and Ketyli Abreu, took over the direction of the seminarSemi-Present and Distance Learning. For these modalities, study materials were sent from ITBT-Sul and adapted for work with local students.
In the years that followed, the Seminary remained in this format, however, the need for the Internal Modality was felt, because it provides greater contact with the student, being able to deal with their difficulties, work more closely with the needs of character corrections, learning guidelines for life, having coexistence, stimulating relationships, important requirements for working in the “Life Sector”, that it was not possible to work with the modalities in force. Both the direction of the seminar and the students perceived and felt the need for this conviviality provided by the internal modality. For this reason, in December 2019, the Association of Churches of God ASSIDUA, through the Instituto Teológico Boa Terra – Amazônia, starts its activities at Fazenda Maloquinha. In this new moment, Pastors Erisvan and Holga Gomes are invited to take over the direction of the Seminar in the Internal modality and form a team with Pastors Oreste and Marlene.
As atividades iniciam em 03 de janeiro o ITBT- Amazônia recebe os alunos Alberto Jorge from Igreja do Piracanã and Dalcirene Coelho from Igreja Central, graduating from the 4th year of the 'External Mode', to carry out an internship at the Farm while students Jocivânio and Joelma Araújo, Antônio Braga and Maria Leal from Igreja do Piracanã (married students), begin the internship in their churches in the city and also spent a month on the farm in Internal Regime.
Em 29 de fevereiro o Instituto recebe os alunos do 1º ano da Modalidade Interno : Alana Tamires, from the Jardim das Palmeiras Church of God Community in Santarém, Keisse Caroline Lima Lameira from the Church of God in Divinópolis in Rurópolis, Karoline Moraes, Kevin Monteles and Eloiza Leal from the Church of God in the Piracanã Amazon
No dia 03 de março aconteceu a aula inaugural do ITBT-Amazônia, Internal Mode, at the Pr. Edgar Henke, with the support of the Churches of God in the Amazon of the Microregion of Itaituba, with the Prelector Pr. Cézar Ricardo in addition to the presence of the pastors Members of the Board of Directors of ASSIDUA, Missionaries representing the Global Missions Jhonatan Toddy and Elizabeth from the United States of America and Missionary Sérgio representing the Mission from Germany.
As aulas iniciaram e os trabalhos coincidiam com as restrições provocadas pela pandemia do COVID- 19, which made it impossible to bring in teachers from abroad to teach the classes, in this way, so that there would be no academic harm to the students, pastors Oreste and Marlene Greiner take over the classes of the first subjects.
The Good Earth Amazon Theological Institute
is a leader training tool
for the building up of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Work Philosophy
ITBT - Amazon
Through a balanced academic program and follow-up in the life sector, aiming at strengthening Christian principles and values, fundamental in the formation of a leader.
Become an ITBT Student
Registration Request Forward by E-mail
Application form;
Personal Biography Form;
The Request must include:
Candidate's full name;
Church where you congregate;
E-mail and phone number of the local pastor;
The ITBT-Amazônia in partnership with the Centro Universitário InternacionalUNINTER, offers course of:
Bachelor of Theology: UNINTER (EAD System)
Free Course in Theology: ITBT
The Directors
Erisvan and Holga Gomes
Leadership - Dynamism - Affectivity
Vidas dedicated to
Serve the Lord!
Fruits of the first group of ITBT-Amazônia 2003.
Invited to take up the Seminar in 2019, the couple has extensive experience in working with young people and in serving the Lord. Dynamic and creative work seeking to establish an atmosphere of affection and companionship.
Day to Day at ITBT - Amazon
Location - ITBT - Amazon
Good Earth Amazon Theological Institute
KM 15 of the Transamazon Highway - Maloquinha Farm - Itaituba - Pará
Good Earth Amazon Theological Institute
Transamazon Highway Km 15
Maloquinha Farm
CEP 68.180-000 Itaituba - PA
National Committee of Publications of the Church of God in Brazil. O BOM PASTOR MAGAZINE - 25 years - Church of God in the Amazon, nº 44. 1999.
Personal Accounts (Collaboration)
Mrs. Marlene Greiner