My Story at AMC
Moses Marcos
Dear Godparents,
I hope you all are_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b in peace with Jesus Christ!
Lhes I write this message of gratitude to say how much blessings you were in my life when I was in daycare (Cemic), grateful for being part of my education, my character and de some dreams that I have already fulfilled.
Today I am 25 years old, I am married, graduated in administration, I still work with vegetables and_cc54cde905-3 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ I'm part of God's church! I'm sending some pictures of my graduation, wedding, and serving the Lord_cc781905-94cde-bb5-31 God. I am experiencing many good things today thanks to Cemic (The Cooperating Hand) who taught me since I was a child to have a good character! And you, my godparents, are also part of my journey!
Thank you for the letters of encouragement you sent me or for believing and always praying for me!
Moses Marcos
Maria Izadora Vieira
A Escola A Mão Cooperadora it changed my life in many areas. First there were people who worked who loved what they did that makes all the difference. What impressed me was the dedication of each of the teachers to their students, I saw that the teachers always did their best and I wanted their students to learn too.
Eu tive muita dificuldade quando I was little and I saw the teachers' love and patience for my life. They were always encouraging us to persevere and never give up. I am very grateful to the school A Mão Cooperadora and the people who took care of my life.
Foi muito tempo, mas each year was challenging for me, because I had to believe in my ability, and it's something I carry to this day, it's knowing that I'm capable and that I can do it.
Agradeço muito a tia Odeize and Aunt Cleide for being very patient with me, I will always be grateful for your life.
I never forget the booster time I had with you this for me was you showing me that I could be someone in life, and thank God I am a missionary for the honor and glory of our Lord Jesus.
Vocês fazem parte de tudo what I am today, I will be eternally grateful to everyone who gets involved with me, look there were not a few people! Thank God for that.
O que marcou também foi that through school I got to know Jesus, because there were people who loved God and I saw their testimonies before people. And the people who loved me were in the church. Then I started going to church, because the people who took care of my life were going, I was able to participate in the church and get involved and for the Honor and Glory of God, I am firm to this day.
Esse nosso Deus é lindo !
Ele pega uma pessoa que did not believe in his ability and empowers and uses for his Glory.
Que coisa linda!! .
Sou fruto desse Obra que the Lord put it in the heart of a man to take care of many people, Pr. E d g a r. Today he did not reap the fruit he sowed, but our life is like that, we often plant, but most of us will not reap the fruits. But the pastor part he did, and I'm sure he would be very happy to see many people who have been a part of it all (all the work) and are now living and doing God's will.
Maria Izadora
Rosilene A. Alencar
I see the work of A Mão Cooperadora as a reference of the love of God.
Mão Cooperadora has taken care of lives, has blessed people, has treated people, in a very beautiful way and this has impacted my life, it has changed my story...
Rosi Alencar
Irmã Paixão Borges Martins
"Tia Paixão"
Eu agradeço muito a A Mão Cooperadora, me ajudou muito...
...Me sinto muito honrada pela A Mão Cooperadora